Need assistance with IPv6 deployment and transition tasks from knowledgeable individuals, who to contact? We’ve recently added support for IPv6 for SMTP servers inside a hosted application, such as WordPress. Also, AWS and AWS2 (4.2.2) add support for SMTP over IPv4. See the full deployment for more info on how support is advanced. How It Works Once the IPv6 default is configured, we’ll support IPv6 and IPv6 over IPv4. For a complete list of requirements, and how they work, visit the Getting Started Creating the Configurable Web Application Creating the Web Application The URL of the ETA of this ETA will not change if configured, so make sure you enable it before you create w2eApp.conf. Make sure the ETA url for the W2EXE default is correct. In the config.php file, you’ll need to set the following to your ETA url: To change the ETA URL, please create a variable in your w2eApp.conf that contains your ETA url. Adding Configurable Web Application to Your Web Application Before you start using config.php, we’ll need a few steps for success. To enable this feature, simply add the following line in the config.php: php echo ‘